Utilising evidence-based treatments, your psychiatrist will work with you and your loved ones, in supporting your recovery journey.
Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic provides specialised assessment and management of mental illnesses and cognitive disorders as they occur in the population aged 65 years and above.
Some of the conditions we treat include:
e.g. adjustment disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar affective disorder
Depression is the most common mental health problem in the elderly.
Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic specialises in holistic and personalised approaches to depression treatment, incorporating psychotherapy, social treatments, physical activity and medications.
e.g. generalised anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder
Anxiety is one of the most common of the mental illnesses affecting people aged over 65 years.
The doctors at Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic are skilled in the assessment and management of the full gamut of anxiety conditions, all within the comfort of clients’ homes.
e.g. schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder
Psychosis in the elderly significantly affects clients and their families.
Our doctors have extensive experience in the prompt diagnosis and treatment of psychotic conditions.
e.g. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder
The majority of the elderly have experienced one or more traumatic events during their lifetimes. Ageing increases the risk of re-traumatisation, exacerbation of pre-existing trauma and delayed-onset trauma reactions.
Attend Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic to access treatment for trauma-related conditions.
Ageing is a highly complex process characterised by numerous changes – ill-health, bereavement, changes in functioning and perceived role, socioeconomic changes, decreases in social network size, isolation, loneliness and grief. Such changes may render clients more vulnerable to mental health problems.
Attend Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic to access treatment for adjustment disorders, as well as to receive support and advocacy to ensure that ageing is as smooth, supported and crisis-free as possible.
e.g. mild neurocognitive disorder, major neurocognitive disorder
Dementia affects 10% of people aged above 65 and 31% of people over the age of 85 years. Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of dementia.
e.g. loss, grief, complicated grief
Loss and grief are major issues affecting older adults. Our psychiatrists specialise in helping clients navigate grief reactions.
A personalised, holistic and sensitive approach
Specialised Treatments
Assessment and management of mental illnesses and cognitive disorders for patients aged 65 years and above.
Home Visits
We are committed to providing an accessible geriatric psychiatry service and provide home visits for our clients in Sydney. * Due to significant demand, home-visiting consultations are fully booked for 2023.
Aged Care Supports
We help clients gain access to, and coordinate home-based aged care supports, in addition to respite and nursing home placement.
Medico-legal Assessments
Assessments and report-writing for the purposes of guardianship, enduring power of attorney, financial management and advanced care directives.

At Sydney Psychogeriatric Clinic, you can expect a personalised, holistic and sensitive approach to your psychiatric care, as we navigate your recovery journey together.